This May will mark our 16th annual client Sage Intacct User Group. Over the year, clients have attended for a variety of reasons. Today we are going to look at an often overlooked reason that people get value out of these events. Reason #4 for attending: One on one time with Intellitec Staff.
Similar to some of the other points we have made about getting value and free resources, the ability to have one on one time with our staff free of charge is valuable, and should be taken advantage of. Many times the staff who support you best you only get to meet via phone call or internet streaming session – not to mention, if it is a consulting engagement, you are paying for it. Attendees who get the most out of Sage Intacct User Groups come prepared with questions to ask, and get the most out of the one on one face time that occurs thought out the day.
So join us May 21st for our Sage Intacct user groups and meet face to face with the people who support your Microsoft Dynamics or Sage Intacct solution. And keep checking blog to learn more reason why user attended.