In this post, we will take a look at the steps to access your accounting general ledger setup card in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The steps outlined are part your general ledger set up. The first step is to go to the search tab in the upper right and type “General Setup”. Then pick the “General Ledger Setup” from the options listed. Once in this screen, you will see your setup card and navigation options. You have general posting setup, general business posting setup, and product posting. You can access items such as your tax posting, tax posting setup, tax business posting groups, etc. If you are unsure what a field or area is, simply hover over that selection and a brief description will pop up.
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Each of these areas is also accessible through the search tab. So for example, if you’re looking for your general business posting setup, you can simply go up to the search area and type in general posting setup. You can also access this on an individual basis as well without having to go to the accounting general ledger setup card.
An area you want to pay attention to on your setup cards is if you actually see an item that says “show more”. By default, some of these screens only show a few fields, but if you select “show more”, then you will see additional items, such as reporting. When you get to the reporting portion, there are account schedules for your basic balance sheets and income statements and cash flows. If you have a custom balance sheet account schedule, this is where you would define what account schedule, you wish to use when you run a balance sheet for the income statement and the cash flow statement. This provides a way to have a custom report schedule, and actually have that defined and the general ledger setup.
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