Customize Dynamics 365 to get User Adoption

“Our CRM Solution met all our needs right out of the box”

 – Said no one. Ever.

Nearly all organizations these days are well aware that successful use of the cloud based accounting platform Dynamics 365 CRM relies on User Adoption. After all, no matter how powerful or feature rich a solution may be, if people aren’t using it, the data will be lacking. This leads to failed implementations.

Getting a high level of User Adoption has many components, but one sure why to guarantee success is to align the cloud based accounting solution with the way your people work. That is one of the beauties of Dynamics 365 CRM – the screens and user interfaces are adaptable. Admins and IT staff can easily configure the software to follow your business practices and workflows.

That said, customizations can be complicated affairs – how do you decide what fields to customize? What impact will it have on the User Experience? Will it have an impact on other required fields? Do key stakeholders in the organization know what is being customized and why?

The first step is to designate a team that represent all facets of your organization – power users, light users, IT, and management all will bring a unique set of needs, and need to have a stake early in any customization. Next, talk through the changes so that gaps and other potential issues can be avoided early. You will also want to set a realistic timeline of how and when you will implement these changes.

Join our User Group July 13th – 15th 2021, and see what your peers have done to customize Dynamics 365 CRM, a cloud based accounting platform. We will show you tips on changes you can make right now, as well as give you ideas on what may work well in your organization.


Not sure what’s right for you? Let us help find which solution will help you reach your goals.

Additional resources

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