Streamlines Multi-Division Financials by Integrating PointClickCare with Sage Intacct

senior living management software

Brooke Grove Retirement Village

  • Staff can now run the reports they need by division, location or the entire organization with one click of a button
  • Data can be better analyzed to provide deeper insight and intelligence across operations
  • Critical information flows between the systems

Client Profile

Brooke Grove Retirement Village was founded in 1950 by Eleanor Howe Marston in a small Maryland farmhouse. Her vision was to provide a nursing home where seniors would be treated as she would care for her own family. A respected long-term care provider, the nonprofit organization has grown significantly since then and now manages more than 700 employees, 3 locations and multiple facilities.

Business Challenge

For a decade, Brooke Grove used PathLinks® software for financial management. The system presented several challenges, including no drill down capabilities or import templates so all data—ancillary charges, invoices, payroll, etc.—was hand-keyed into the system. Another major issue was very limited export capabilities. To produce both individual and consolidated reports across multiple divisions, staff had to manually create separate spreadsheets, manipulate the formulas and run PDF reports.

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Respected facility improves with Sage Intacct

As the government began encouraging the conversion to Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Brooke Grove knew it was time to explore options to upgrade their financial management system. “We needed to be more efficient overall and find a solution with EHR capabilities that would enable growth,” explains Heather Gross, Business Office Manager.

After evaluating several specialized LTC solutions, Brooke Grove ultimately chose PointClickCare to replace PathLinks. However, the team quickly realized the financial side wouldn’t be sufficient to handle how they operated. “We have several different divisions with intercompany transactions and didn’t feel that we could allocate costs the way we needed to or grow with our financial statements in PointClickCare. We wanted something easier,” says Heather.

Brooke Grove realized they needed a solution that could meet their current needs and position them for future growth. They also knew doing two software conversions at the same time would put a strain on their internal resources, so they needed to have a partner on-site to coach and help them.

Technology Solution

Brooke Grove was referred to Intellitec Solutions, who was experienced in the long-term care industry and had expertise integrating with ERP solutions with PointClickCare. After seeing a demonstration from Intellitec, the team was impressed. According to Heather, “We especially liked the reporting tools and how it could simplify our lives. We could grow with the system and get additional reports much faster than we could before.”

Intellitec walked them through the process of cleaning and migrating their data from PathLinks and created a SmartConnect integration to pull in activity by division from PointClickCare into Microsoft Dynamics GP, a solutions they successfully used for years.. Later with Intellitec assistance, they migrated to Sage Intacct senior living management software. “Intellitec also helped create reports that mirrored our current reports and expanded on them with additional features for the executive team which is really helpful. Their assistance with our charts of accounts was phenomenal. We couldn’t fathom what we needed to consider for future growth but they helped us understand what we needed to plan for,” adds Heather.

With Intellitec’s on-site guidance, Brooke Grove has successfully deployed two ERP solutions that worked with PointClickCare. “We were initially apprehensive about using different systems to accomplish some of the things we were doing in one. But, none of the long-term care solutions we evaluated could provide everything we needed. With Intellitec’s ability to integrate our systems, it has worked out very well and we know we made the right decision,” Heather reports.

Intellitec Impact

Simplified, Accurate Reporting

Producing separate and consolidated financial reports for internal use, the board, and external auditors, used to take staff several hours of manual steps, calculations and spreadsheets. Now, staff can now run the reports they need by division, location or the entire organization with one click of a button.

Deeper Financial Intelligence

With the PointClickCare integration with the senior living management software, data can be sliced and diced as needed to provide deeper insight and intelligence across operations. The nonprofit has the tools to better understand and report how it is making a difference, and staff can handle requests and provide answers much faster than before.

Connected EHR Management

The integration enabled Brooke Grove to achieve its goal for a comprehensive EHR solution. Data flows between systems providing a complete EHR for patients and residents including both clinical and financial information.

Ongoing Support from a Dedicated LTC Partner

Heather is pleased with the experience and expertise Intellitec provided throughout the conversion of PointClickCare and Sage Intacct senior living management software, and the continued support they have received. “I highly recommend Intellitec for other LTC providers who want extended capabilities that many of our industry solutions aren’t designed to handle. They were, and are, very responsive and intelligent when we ask questions or have a problem. They create a positive environment and ultimately gave us an excellent solution we can grow with.”

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